ru.InstallWindowsMedia=Установить &Windows Media Format 9 Series Runtime files
fr.InstallWindowsMedia=Installer &Windows Media Format 9 Series Runtime files
sp.InstallWindowsMedia=Instalar &Windows Media Format 9 Series Runtime files
it.InstallWindowsMedia=Installare &Windows Media Format 9 Series Runtime files
jp.InstallWindowsMedia=&Windows Media Format 9 シリーズ、ランタイムのインストール
en.Uninstall=You already have %1 installed on your computer. It is strongly recommended to uninstall the previous version before installing new version. Uninstall it now?
de.Uninstall=%1 ist schon auf Ihrem Computer installiert. Es ist empfohlen vorige Version vor der Installierung der neuen Version zu deinstallieren. Deinstallieren jetzt?
fr.Uninstall=%1 est deja installe sur votre ordinateur. Il est recommande de desinstaller la version precedente avant de l'installation de la nouvelle version. Desinstaller la version precedente?
sp.Uninstall=Ya tiene %1 instalado en su ordenador. Se recomienda desinstalar la versiуn corriente antes de instalar la nueva. їDesinstalarla ahora?
it.Uninstall=%1 e gia installato sul Suo computer. E raccomandato disinstallare la versione precedente prima di installare la versione aggioranata. Disinstallarla ora?
Toolbar_Label2_Caption0=Thank you for choosing to install FlashIntegro
Toolbar_Label3_Caption0=Prior to installing the application, you can also get the official FlashIntegro toolbar for Windows®, Firefox® and Google Chrome® browser.
Toolbar_Label4_Caption0=By clicking Next, you agree to our
Toolbar_Label6_Caption0=End User License Agreement
Toolbar_Label8_Caption0=Private Policy.
Toolbar_Label9_Caption0=You may access content or features that require use of your pers'onal information.
Toolbar_Label10_Caption0=See our
Toolbar_Label11_Caption0=Content Policy
Toolbar_Label12_Caption0=for more information.
Toolbar_CheckBox1_Caption0=Install the FlashIntegro toolbar
Toolbar_CheckBox2_Caption0=Make the FlashIntegro web search my default search engine
Toolbar_CheckBox3_Caption0=Make the FlashIntegro web search my home page
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